martes, mayo 09, 2006


Situación crítica en el cuerno de África

The Horn of Africa is facing severe food insecurity due to the prolonged drought throughout the region. Reduced food intake and lack of varied diet, leading to malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies (e.g. vitamin A) will result in increased morbidity and mortality, particularly from communicable diseases. Disease, in turn, will aggravate nutritional losses.

Additional factors such as lack of water and population displacements – and consequent precarious sanitation – further increase the risk of communicable diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, diarrhoea, acute respiratory infections and measles.

All across the region, the areas most severely affected by the drought are also those suffering from the highest disease burden, the weakest health care systems, with limited human resource and medical supplies and the lowest immunization coverage rates: "the poorest of the poor"

Nota de prensa- Organización Mundial de la Salud (3 de mayo 2006)

Cada jugador de la selección tendrá una prima de 540.000 € si ganan el Mundial de Alemania.

Los futbolistas de la selección española aprovecharon la última jornada de convivencia planificada por el seleccionador, Luis Aragonés, para firmar las primas pactadas para el Mundial de Alemania, que reportarán unos 540.000 euros a cada jugador en el caso de que el equipo español se proclame campeón.

Noticia de agencias (9 de mayo de 2006)

Django Reinhardt & Stephan Grappelli - J'attendrai

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